How do I connect to Blobsu?
This must be your first time here. This is a Step-By-Step guide on how to connect to Blobsu!
Step 1
Create an account if you haven't already.
Step 2
Create a new shortcut for osu! (You can do this by accessing your osu! folder through drive:\Users\ username \AppData\Local\osu! and creating a shortcut of osu!.exe)
Step 3
Right click the new shortcut for osu!.exe and open Properties. Under Shortcut, make sure that the Target is directed to your local osu!.exe.
Step 4
At the end of the Target after the osu!.exe add the following:
Your Target should now look like:
drive:\Users\username\AppData\Local\osu!\osu!.exe -devserver
Note: If your shortcut doesn't open the osu!.exe you've likely made a mistake and should try again from Step 2.
Step 5
Click apply and click okay to close the Properties window.
Step 6
Launch your new osu! shortcut, enter your login information and you will be connected to Blobsu!